An organization dedicated to the past…
with a vision for the future!
The Auglaize County Historical Society “collects, preserves, interprets, and shares the history of Auglaize County and its people through exhibits, programs, and publications.” The Society has dedicated itself to this mission since 1963.
With county museums in St. Marys and Wapakoneta, six village historical societies, and many other history organizations throughout the country, good people have been doing good work in preserving our unique and history.
Preserving our history for future generations is an important job. We need your help. Your membership in the Auglaize County Historical Society enables us to continue this commitment to preserve the past. It also provides you the opportunity to share in this important effort, to participate directly in telling the Auglaize County story.
Your membership helps us do many good things:
The Auglaize County Historical Society owns and maintains the Daniel Mooney Museum (St. Marys), the Wapakoneta History Museum, the former Olive Branch United Methodist Church in Shinbone, and the Gary Log House at the Auglaize County Fairgrounds.
The Auglaize County Historical Society publishes books, tour guides, bimonthly newsletters, brochures, and reprints of historic documents.
Volunteers work with local teachers to provide student tours of local historic sites and museums, classroom visits, and special presentations. The Auglaize County Historical Society also provides educational opportunities for educators themselves, such as teacher institutes.
The Auglaize County Historical Society’s annual programming includes lectures, seminars, workshops, tours, traveling exhibits, bus trips, special tours, a speaker’s bureau, and more. The Society also collaborates with other organizations in the county on special projects. The Society is currently collaborating on a heritage tourism initiative called “Auglaize County: IN MOTION” that highlights the many local sites related to transportation and movement.
Many people turn to the Society each year for information about people, places, and events from Auglaize County history. Society staff and trustees are pleased to field basic inquiries without any charge, while more extensive research is available for a nominal fee.
Membership is good for you, too:
The Society’s regular newsletters and updates feature information about local history, preservation, and upcoming events.
General membership meetings are held throughout the year, featuring special speakers and programs.
Members discounts on Historical Society merchandise, publications, and bus trips help the membership pay for itself over the course of a year!
Download Membership Form
Memberships start as low as $25 for adults! Simply download the form, print & fill it out, and send it to us.
More Fun Reasons To Join!

The traveling exhibit entitled “Other Citizens” toured the county with information about the ethnic groups that settled here.